stefan's blag and stuff


This page contains a list of my personal projects. The list is ordered by importance. The most recent and important projects are at the top.

Support/Donations: If you want to support my work, feel to to do so. See sponsoring for details.

subpatch - subprojects done right

The subpatch project is a tool to manage subprojects in a repository and an (opinionated) documentation about multi (git) repo management.

Linux Framebuffer Double Buffering Tests

These linux framebuffer double buffering tests can perform double or triple buffering on the framebuffer device. It's an example how to implement double/triple buffering on the legacy Linux framebuffer device.

live555 unofficial archive

live555-unofficial-archive is an unofficial archive of the source code of the LIVE555 Streaming Media libraries. The source code is hosted on github in the repository live555-unofficial-archive.


modname is an interactive file rename utility based on GNU readline.

aminilog library – AOSP styled logging macros for NDK projects

The aminilog is a header only library providing logging macros for NDK projects. The macros are identical to the macros used in the AOSP.

repoload - a change request download tool

repoload is a commandline tool, written in python3, that should make your life and daily work with the repo tool and the gerrit review system more pleasant.

blockdiff - block based binary patch tool

blockdiff is a binary patch tool for block base file and disk formats (like ext2,3,4 and btrfs). Sort MP3 files based on ID3 tags

The script mp3sort is useful to sort MP3 files after a harddisk recovery session of photorec.

Firefox-Addon: Happy Jogustine (End of life)

Happy Jogustine war ein Firefox-Addon. Mit ein bisschen Javascript und Mozillas addon-sdk wird Jogustine aufgehübscht. Die ewig langen Menüs, Unter- und Unteruntermenüs auf der linken Seiten klappen ganz einfach nach rechts aus. Somit kommt man mit einem Seite-Reload zu jeder Seite. Achja, das Addon ist Free Software.